вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

durham public school board

No one knows better than I how it feels to come to an end like this Before anyone gets alarmed its an ending worth glory. I just finished all the work in my parcial semester and today is my last class, the only thing that bums me out is that I start up again on Thursday, can u believe that? I mean ud think theyd give us at least the rest of the week off, but no. We get one day off and start up again. What kind of�none sense�is that? Blasphermy I tell u But what can a girl like me do? Its just something that has to be done, college is soooo much fun............... I hope u can feel my sarcasm because Im laying it pretty thick.

Other than finishing my parcial semester, I was just having a lilttle bit of a tear jerker on reading Glors post again, she sure knows how to make a girl cry. Meanie LOL, nah, it was cool and�quite true, Glor I know ur reading this so do what u should do and dont give up If u need me to give u a push dont hesitate to ask, i can be quite persuasive, and I know that some ppl, that will remain annonymous for safety issues, are smirking at that. Im getting high readings^^

Anywho, did I tell u guys I saw Nick and Norah Infinite Playlist? I saw it on Saturday and it was better than expected. I liked how some of the events were random and stontaneous, others were gross and just plain wrong, while others were cute and fake, lol. But it was a cute movie, one to watch if u have a bf/gf, or if u wanna just have a good laugh, a girl night out will suffice as well^^ I mean its cute and funny, a chick flick gone universal, so if ur a guy and want to watch it, it wouldnt be considered kind of gay at all, not Sex and The City gay anyways, lol.

Um, que mas? Its been raining here none stop sense yesterday, I like rain but one day is fine, two is scarcely acceptable and 3 is just not cool. I like to feel the sun and run around in that great dry weather, wet is not my favorite state. I do like how ur wardrobe changes due to the weather, in PR sense its summer basically all year long, clothe never really varies, so its cool to take out ur long sleeves and a cool jacket, but sense im accustomed to being dry and warm, this weather does not favor me one bit. But who knows, I might find an Edward Cullen walking around, lol. I know Glor was missing�my EC talk�:p

Well, this is good bye,�I have to pick up Andrea in a few and I dont want her calling me to tell me Im late, kids, lol. So, bye everyone, I might post another entry in a few more days or if anything good happens. Until then, cheers and stay dry :D

durham public school board, durham public school board calendar.

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