воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

cbs channel 9 dc

To Whom It May Concern,

This is my first entry. Thanks to a really good friend of mine, Brent, I have found this website. Brilliant

Today has been interesting. I woke up at 1 pm, and went straight to the shred fest. It was fun, some of the bands didnapos;t appeal to me, but most of them were good.� I�got to see Dreamscar finally I find it pathetic how the girls drool all over themselves just because Ryan Revere is attractive. It ridiculous.
��� And then Kreep comes on, later in the night. They were phenomenal I was so happy, and i even got to shake the singers hand this time. They are really nice guys.
My neck hurts, too much head banging.

Brent has let me in some of his inner thoughts. I really wish his lotus would open up to him, and stop with the silence, and the hurt.
He is a nice guy, even a genius, the way his mind works. I�really look up to him, although we donapos;t share the same beliefs, nonetheless morals. Donapos;t get me wrong, I do have morals, but his are too, I donapos;t know, Extreme? I donapos;t mean to sound at all harsh, I love the guy, but it bothers me that i donapos;t get a hug from him. But he respects me more than most of my friends.
��� I wish everything would work out perfect for him, he deserves all the happiness in the world.

James is asleep. I miss him. Even though heapos;s less than 5 feet away from me.

I want a cigarette now. And iapos;m tired.
��� Smoke then bed to nuzzle into Jameses Shoulder.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

celtic raise up

Aloha sweethearts,


Weapos;re really happy about the responses that weapos;re getting from you guys.

Keep them coming, baby :D

Anyway, i figure that i should bring the message across (even though itapos;s only in the midst of october) that our FANCL SPREE #1 is officially closing our orders at the end of the month.

which is, 31 October 2008.

Orders can keep coming in till, say 12:00AM November 01.

Thatapos;s as much as we can give.

We hope to hear more from you

Spread the love for FANCL products

GF Pumpkin

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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THERE has been much publicity for the Lessons in Love workshops conducted by Dr Pat Love and sponsored by the Social Development Unit (SDU). ...

One wonders why there is a need to invite a Westerner to teach our young about love and marriage. It is evident that she will teach Western ideas, norms and practices that may not necessarily be relevant to our Asian culture and lifestyle.

More important is the fact that Dr Love has said she was married three times, all of which ended in divorce. It is intriguing that such a personality is invited as a speaker on marriage to teach our young about maintaining love in marriage when she could not sustain her own marriages. We must acknowledge the inevitability that teachers on any subject tend to be viewed as role models, which presents a dilemma as to whether we will tell our young that marriage is not meant to last. ...

It is time MCYS, and in particular SDU, considered the wisdom of regularly engaging Westerners to teach on marriage and family life. Much worse to have as a role model one who has had three failed marriages.
mdash;Anthony Yeo, President, Association of Marital and Family Therapy (Singapore),
Poor choice of speaker, The Straits Times, p. A25, 16 October 2008

State the conclusion of the author.
Name the fallacies committed.

Bonus: Comment on the relevance of those fallacies in this context.

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Well Iapos;m now apparently a psycho for not answering my phone for the past 2 and a half days... According to Tye, anyway. He keeps leaving me these really crude messages on my answering machine. Heapos;s just going to have to wait... I donapos;t trust him right now.
What does he want me to say, "Oh itapos;s ok that you hurled me through a door, I still love you" (Canned awwwapos;s resound from through out the crowd. I can just imagine this getting out somewhere on some crappy assed talk show)

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So, in an attempt to move everything along, Iapos;ve been going through and seperating.�Yes.Still.
Tonights item, a few more pictures and a lot of journals. The journals are a few years old, which isnapos;t helpful. I�love the person who wrote them, but sheapos;s not here anymore. I fool myself into thinking she is, but the shell of her body is cold and mean. Death wouldapos;ve been easier to understand. My torment is my own fault right now, loving an image time was bound to see through.
My ex, and I�donapos;t know what to think about it, has told me within the past month that our oldest child is probably not mine. Sheapos;s insistant that thereapos;s a 50/50 chance. Her baby pictures all match the other two children, she has my eyes, and a lot of my features. Itapos;s an obvious lie to everyone around me. It is to me too, in front of people. Thereapos;s so much more then they know about my ex though. The things Iapos;ve seen her to, and know sheapos;s capable of. Iapos;ve seen her face turn to stone, Iapos;ve seen the emotion go right out of her. So, my fear is that she is capable, and she may have done the unspeakable like sheapos;s indicated.
Tonightapos;s find may have helped this. Apparently, she kept a journal about trying to get pregnant. Starting in May of apos;02, continuing, well Iapos;m not sure how long, I�was interupted while reading it.
At that time in our life we were working opposite shifts. To me, it was going good. The only time we fought was concerning money. Her spending too much of it, without telling me. We had a nice apartment, well furnished, and made our bills every month. For a while the fights were only a reason to make up. I�never minded her spending money the way she did, it made her happy, and that was my only concern for the longest time. Only recently did I�truly think about my own happiness, and thatapos;s when things went south. I�feel, and this is my opinion thereapos;s two sides to every story, that once I�focused on my own happiness she began to resent me. Jealousy, yes, always. But it was more than that, it was her not having my 100 undivided attention.
She says I�couldnapos;t give her what she needed, so she found it somewhere else. I�have a terrible memory. But the journal sparked somethings. The things she said was going on at the time, her not getting what she needed. Those things happened, but they happened the year prior to this one. At our apartment, things were good. After reading the journal, I�also realize that our pregnancy was not unplanned. At least by one of us. It was deliberate. Which I�hold no grudges about, sheapos;s always had her own agenda. It never bothered me because Iapos;m the type that needs a little push on things that scare me. She pushed me into our marriage. I�didnapos;t object, I�wanted it too, but Iapos;m the perfectionist type. Things take me a while, I�always settle. Itapos;s not that things arenapos;t good, or great even. Itapos;s that Iapos;m always striving for things to be perfect before proceeding. Iapos;m learning to let that go now, and accept things for what they are, almost.
The writing style in the journal is not of someone who was having an affair. Itapos;s calm, collected, and well thought out. Thereapos;s no scratches, no slips about another man. Itapos;s not something that would say affair at all. And, as I remember it, she wasnapos;t the scheming kind at that time of our life. It was not written by someone who was guilty. This all relieves me, and scares me at the same time. Because in the back of my mind, the places I donapos;t like to go because all the bad thoughts dwell there. In that spot, is this scared little boy who tells me that the guilt sheapos;s been feeling is what started all of this. He says she is capable, and he doesnapos;t want to even think about it. So he sits in the dark corner, scared, trying not to cry and draw attention to himself.

Geez, am I a nut job or what?
This isnapos;t getting easier, the journal is making me realize how bad I really am too. Iapos;m not stopping yet though, Iapos;m just hoping for a light at the end of the tunnel.

Peace out bitches
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compensation employee fed

I just ate an english muffin.� I�could barely get it down. Itapos;s the only thing I�have eaten today.� I donapos;t know where this nausea is coming from.

This feels like some weird game of Survivor but with journals.� But Iapos;m not getting paid.

I�wonder....when I�had my psychotic episode 5 years ago and landed in the hospital bed, part of it was a voice that said "open the door" and it said that right as I was walking into my basement.� The door had been locked, but It opened for some reason. I donapos;t know if that was a hallucination or not, but the door did open.

I donapos;t know WHAT is doing this or why.� I�was just trying (and still am trying) to stop it.� What kind of cruelty could do this to a single woman sitting in her living room alone, over and over again.� And trying to play it is a "finding me a husband/marriage" game or making me try to compete in keeping up my home on a manapos;s level of competence....this is an evil beyond belief.� A manapos;s evil absolutely beyond comprehension.� This "man" thinks like a machine.� Yet, I�keep talking and talking and talking.

Sorry, but after doing a little more thinking, Iapos;m not feeling like Iapos;m in a very good mood right now.

Iapos;ll�laugh later.....maybe.

Okay, just one laugh.� Has anyone ever heard the Cabot Cheddar commercial about Omega 3 acids.�� The little kid with all the answers that explains it all to his father.� And then ends it with..."Awww...Just here to help".

Best commercial EVA

That is what the young thinking minds of the next generation will be reciting.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

be by my side

Itapos;s gorgeous outside. The air embraces me in warmth while I watch the leaves frolic in the air as they reach for the ground below. The colors are vibrant. The sun peeks from beyond the trees. I want to be part of it all; I long to run through the leaves, giggling, and holding hands. I want to feel the spirit of connection and take pictures as the sun wraps itapos;s halo of light around my soul...

What a beautiful birthday that would be...

To feel alive mentally and physically. To be captivated and touched by the purity of the delightful beams which encompass me with energy, breathing fresh air into my stillness.

What better way to celebrate that I was brought into existence?

But thatapos;s not where I am.

Thatapos;s not what Iapos;m doing.

And I feel so lost to be trapped....

Iapos;m alone, alone, alone, alone, alone.....

And a magnet for misery.

Itapos;s "just a birthday", oh sure, and people offer me their formalities, with a customary "happy birthday", but it feels so insincere.

And the bitterness of those who impose upon me...what does it mean when they let their negativity trample over any optimism?

Shouldnapos;t today be sacred for me?

A celebration of life?


So much resentment and anger....and.... Just.... Ugh.....

I want to crawl into the walls, bury myself beneath blankets, and never come out.
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